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We understand that times can be tough right now. That is why it is more important than ever to invest in your education. Please Call us at 877-887-5067 to discuss your options or if want to learn more about online education read some of our recent blog articles here



Knowledge Dictionary
High School Vocabulary Words of the Week #15

Each week, we bring you ten new words to study to increase your vocabulary. In order to truly “learn” these words, make sure to do the following exercises each week: Create a flashcard with the word and the definition for each word. Write three sentences that showcase the meaning of each word. Write at least […]



regret school
The #1 Reason to Go Back And Get Your High School Diploma

There are many predetermined milestones that a person is expected to achieve in their lifetime. Graduating from high school is one of those milestones. Because of this, when you drop out of school, there’s a sense of something missing or an incompleteness. The thing is, you’re not alone. Each year one million teenagers quit attending […]



Knowledge Dictionary
High School Vocabulary Words of the Week #14

Each week, we bring you ten new words to study to increase your vocabulary. In order to truly “learn” these words, make sure to do the following exercises each week: Create a flashcard with the word and the definition for each word. Write three sentences that showcase the meaning of each word. Write at least […]



science resources
Resources for Studying Science

Science is defined as knowledge attained through study or practice. It’s a way to study the world around us and gain a deeper understanding of how things work. It allows us to understand the basic laws and principles of our world and how they work together to create life now and in the future. As […]